Words from Prof. Ron Karmeli
Medical Director of D.R.A Medical Center

Prof. Ron KarmeliDear patients, I want to welcome you to Israel and to D.R.A Medical Center.

Being the medical director of D.R.A Medical Center is making sure that 3 essential factors are met in every single treatment with every single patient:
  • Accurate diagnosis, eliminating all other possibilities
  • Efficiency and timing during the whole treatment process
  • Assigning the most capable and experienced doctor to the case.
I have been practicing medicine for 35 years. After thousands of surgeries, dozens of conferences around the world and after leading my department to be one of the best in the world in its expertise, I can confidently say that it all rise and fall on these three elements with a special mark on the doctor.
D.R.A's patients are treated at the most professional clinics with advanced equipment and amazing medical staff. We are not obligated to any clinic, hospital, lab or imaging center. That gives us the ability to never compromise for less than excellent and quickly react to changes in the course of treatment.
I invite you to personally feel what personalized medicine is all about and allow us to lead you on your path to recovery.
Whatever road you choose I wish all the best,
Prof. Ron Karmeli
Medical Director
D.R.A Medical Center